(.uk) Domain Names

Transferring your .uk domain name(s) to Linix Ltd is very simple, but could vary depending on the provider.
This covers the following TLDs:

• .co.uk

• .ltd.uk
• .me.uk

• .org.uk

Please contact your current provider and ask them to change the IPS TAG to LINIX.

Your domain will then be automatically transferred to us.

Generic Domain Names

For domains not regulated by Nominet, the authorative body for .uk domains, the transfer process is slightly different.

We would require the owner/admin contact for each domain being transferred to us.

We would also require the auth-code (available from the current domain provider).

As part of the domain transfer process, you will need to also UNLOCK the domain.

If the domain is not unlocked when we submit the transfer request, this will fail.

A transfer request is then submitted by Linix Ltd, which is to be approved by the owner/admin contact.

Once approved the domain is usually transferred within 7 working days.

You will be notified by email on the success or failure of the transfer request.