If you are seeing the below error message whilst using Amazon Prime Video on any of your devices, please read on for troubleshooting tips & advice.

Error Message:

"Your device is connected to the Internet using a VPN or proxy service. Please disable it and try again. For more help, go to amazon.com/pv-vpn."

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Close the Prime Video app on your device (or your web browser, if you're watching on your computer).
  • Restart your computer or connected device.
  • Ensure that your device or web browser has the latest updates.
  • Ensure that you’re not using the same account on multiple devices - you can only stream the same title to two devices at a time.
  • Ensure that any external device is connected to your TV or display using an HDMI cable that is compatible with HDCP 1.4 (for HD content) or HDCP 2.2 (for UHD and/or HDR content).
  • Pause other Internet activity – especially if other devices are using the network at the same time.
  • Check your Internet connection. You may need to restart your connected device and/or router.
  • If you’re able to connect to the Internet on other devices, update your connect device’s DNS settings. Please check with your device’s manufacturer for further details.
  • If you’re attempting to control a device using Alexa, try to unpair then re-pair the device in the Alexa app.
  • Disable any VPN or proxy servers.

If the above tips have not rectified your issue, please contact Amazon for further assistance, or consult the below thread: